Saturday, January 10, 2009

Mesothelioma New Cures On The Horizon For Asbestos Causing Cancer

Mesothelioma and Asbestosis exist without a cure. Singular methods of chemotherapy and radiation have gone through medical scrutiny only to be declared potentially ineffective. The secret to extending the longevity of life in mesothelioma patients, and reducing the searing pains of cancer and asbestosis, may be found in the magical mix of the next array of clinical trials and experiments involving combination drugs.

Mesothelioma is a disease with little hope. Scientific studies have shown that chemotherapy, radiation or surgery alone often have little value over choosing no treatment. A rare disease appearing late in life, experiments and trials for this cancer haven’t undergone the funding and urgency of the well-known cancers of the masses - yet research for treatment does exist. Pharmacies, hospitals, health professionals and scientists that are dedicated to curing mesothelioma and reducing its painful side effects continue to conduct scientific studies on treatment efficacy for mesothelioma and asbestosis, and strive to develop new treatment options that can improve the quality of life for asbestos diseased patients.

Killing a tumor isn’t easy, and mesothelioma does not regress like other cancers, even after lung surgery. Just as a mix of the right individual talents can produce a powerful team, so can a mix of the right medications and treatment produce a powerful solution. Elementary science best demonstrates this with baking soda and vinegar. Each product has their unique properties that serve product-specific purposes, but when mixed together they can produce a volcanic effect. Finding the synergistic effect from combination drugs and therapies that can debilitate or conquer asbestos related diseases is the goal of mesothelioma and asbestosis clinical trials.

A 2007 medical study added on three months to the lives of mesothelioma patients who participated in clinical trials that used the vitamin supplements of B12 and folic acid along with Emetrexed and Cisplatin, when compared to mesothelioma patients that received Cisplatin without any supplements. Three months may not seem long to a person embraced in the rush of life, but it is a gift of life to the cancer sufferer facing imminent death.

Doxorubicin, a cancer drug for asbestos disease that’s been around for a while, is now being combined with Onconase. Doxorubicin damages the cancer cells, but the cancer cells can heal. Onconase is a drug that goes in and blocks the healing process. A similar clinical study is being done with Pemetrexed disodium, a drug classically prescribed for mesothelioma, combined with Gemcitabine or Carboplantin to determine the better combination. This would compare the results of two powerful drugs that block cancer cell growth versus a combination of one of those drugs with a drug that damages cancer cells.

Mesothelioma and its close relative Asbestosis are expected to reach higher diagnosis rates in the future. Asbestos use has been regulated in many countries, but its wide-spread use still remains. Hundreds of clinical trials for these asbestos diseases exist that will provide help, and maybe even a cure, for the asbestos-induced sufferers of the future. There is a light at the end of the long dark tunnel of mesothelioma. With continued medical research and clinical trials, the light will become brighter and brighter - until hopefully, mesothelioma will be left behind to become a part of the distant past.

Dealing With Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a nightmare associated with some jobs that the workers are not even aware of. So what is mesothelioma? It comes in many different forms. The one found most commonly would be the mesothelioma that affects the lungs and is thus known as Pleural Mesothelioma. It is primarily caused by exposure to asbestos. Asbestos has caused mesothelioma tumors in a number of people so silently that they might have silent tumors and not even be aware of it.

Since asbestos is used in a number of industries the labour force working in these is at risk for developing mesothelioma. Exposure to asbestos leading to onset of mesothelioma must be examined by a doctor. If he says that you have developed Pleural or any of the other related mesothelioma troubles you are entitled to financial damages from the party responsible for exposing you to asbestos. This would naturally mean that the firm you work for needs to pay up and if they don’t you will need a lawyer who is a specialist in the field.

A mesothelioma lawyer is experienced in handling such cases and a good one will collect fees from you if you win only. Usually the cases are quite simple and a mesothelioma lawsuit will not have to go to court. The chances of the company paying hefty damages are much more if they do take the case to court. The company is usually more than willing to settle out of court. So you must be sure of what all you need to take into account before your mesothelioma lawyer can accept the settlement on your behalf.

What are the things that you must consider? The first and most relevant is the medical bills that you are going to pay for the treatment of your mesothelioma. Naturally the mesothelioma lawyer will be able to present supporting documents to the company from the hospital and these will generally not be disputed by the company. What will be more debatable is the skill with which the mesothelioma lawsuit is handled by your lawyer. Also it will make a difference if you are a single individual fighting the case or a number of defendants suing the company together.

Key points to make sure of before you head for court with a laywer to start a mesothelioma lawsuit is that you have been diagnosed with the disease and that there is a guilty party who has been responsible for the development of mesothelioma in your body. Naturally the matter is greatly simplified with a group of defendants who have mesothelioma and worked for the same company get together and hire a mesothelioma lawyer to represent them. One odd case can be dismissed at times, but when a whole group of people is claiming mesothelioma due to exposure to asbestos while working for the same company, they are going to be taken seriously.

While having contracted Mesothelioma can be a crippling experience for your and your family, you owe it to yourself to ensure that you are compensated for the disease by the guilty party. Taking care of the hospital bills is the least that they can do for you. Hire a good mesothelioma lawyer and leave it to his expertise to handle the lawsuit for you.